• St. Anthony's Junior College, Agra

In 1841 a call from the Bishop of Agra, India, Rt. Rev. Dr. J. A. Borghi to work for the education of young girls was joyfully accepted. Six nuns set out from Lyon for Agra, facing many dangers over land and sea. They left Marseilles on 28 January 1841 in sailing ships via Leghorn, Civita Vecchia, Naples, Malta, Alexandria, and Cairo. They crossed the Sinai desert in palanquins and mules to Suez and from there once again by sea via Aden, they arrived in Bombay on 3 June. The monsoons and bad roads led them, a few days later, to set sail for Calcutta, arriving there on 27 June. From Calcutta they went up the Ganges by steam boat to Allahabad and from there, they travelled in bullock carts to Agra, where they arrived late night of 11 November 1842.

The European and Indian Christian Communities with Bishop Borghi at the head led the nuns to Akbar's Church while young girls sang "Jesus Corona Virginum". A Pontifical High Mass was offered. Guns boomed daylong in their honour. After Mass they were led to their Convent.