• St. Anthony's Junior College, Agra

Presided over by the Principal, these meetings are held regularly every month. Prefects are reminded of their duties and are advised as to the manner in which they are to be performed. Moreover, the problems they encounter, are discussed and fruitful solutions arrived at. The duty of each captain is to impart a good spirit of enthusiasm for work, devotion to duty and cooperation among the members of the House, and to guide the House in its activities.

The Student Council with the Principal and the staff, meet once every 3 months to enlighten others on conflicting policies and to work for the common good of the school.

The Captain's note book:

Every Captain has to maintain a note book in which observations are made regarding the conduct of the house members. Here remarks are made not only with reference to indiscipline, but also regarding commendable and exemplary conduct of certain students. These books are handed over every fortnight for the Principal's Signature.

The House Members:

Though the duties of a captain are manifold and much depends on her for the proper running of the school, the ordinary house member has in no way, a less important part to play. True, the burden of responsibility does not seem to fall so heavily on her own shoulders, yet if she fails in her duty, she impedes not only her own progress, but also that of her House and perhaps even that of her School.

Every student in the school must never lose sight of the fact that her efforts to promote the welfare of her house shouldn't prevent her from pulling together, with the students of other Houses, towards keeping the School banner flying.