• St. Anthony's Junior College, Agra

“Opportunity is never presented; it has to be created. Your vision shapes your reality and your courage helps you attain your goal.”

I, Vidhi Kashyap, Head Girl of St. Anthonys Junior College for the academic year 2023-2024, feel honored and privileged to shoulder the responsibility of being the representative of the student body. I express my sincere gratitude to our principal, Sr. Beena, teachers, and my fellow anthonians for entrusting their faith in me. I assure you that every step I take will be for the betterment and upliftment of the institution

This institution has played a substantial role in shaping the person I am today. Being the Head Girl is not an instrument of power for me, rather I find this position a channel to make sure every student is heard. For the past 13 years, I have been raised in an environment where discipline and hardwork have always been encouraged and that will also be reflected in my leadership this year.

My dear Anthonians,

The world is changing rapidly. In this current scenario take time to breathe and reflect on yourselves. We often find ourselves lost in the crowd and losing our originality. You are your own strength. Be honest and real and be true to who you are. Your actions should reflect your motives and your sincerity. I firmly believe that having dreams to attain something is more subjective and imaginary than visionary. To succeed, dreams have to be turned into aims and goals. Step out of your comfort zone and experience the challenges and hurdles. True lessons are learned through experiences. Imbibe the values that the institution proudly propagates and bring a revolution without doubting your capabilities. Every child has a unique quality, embrace your uniqueness. Never let the goodness within you tarnish. Build yourself to be a person who you can be proud of.

I hope that every individual who is a part of the Anthonian family retains their individuality and upholds the values, making this world a better place to live in.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

Vidhi Kashyap
