• St. Anthony's Junior College, Agra

    We aim at promoting the total development of the student, with respect to her-

  • Adjustment to Environment
  • Personal Growth

    ADJUSTMENT TO ENVIRONMENT: To fit each student in a modern civilized world through adjustment to her environment, we aim to train her then for:

  • Home Life : To prepare her for an effective and satisfying membership of the most important unit in the community, the home and to teach her to budget her leisure time wisely so as to balance activities that yield satisfaction with those that are useful and necessary.
  • Work Life : To qualify with a suitable occupation, which will make a major contribution to her community, with reference to productivity, creativity, economy and fine arts.

To help her to leave school with principles and ideals which will guide and motivate her through life, which will help her to strive, to influence, to share and so use the blessings of her education for the benefit of others.