• St. Anthony's Junior College, Agra

The Foundress, St. Claudine Thevenet was born in Lyon, France on 30 March 1774. When the French Revolution broke out in 1789 two of Claudine's brothers were among those arrested for opposing the new regime. Claudine visited them in prison and followed the prisoners to the place of execution. As they passed by, they whispered: "Forgive Glady, as we forgive”! She certainly forgave those who had denounced her brothers but the young girl of 19 was never to forget the cruel scene of her brothers being clubbed to death after they were shot!

Claudine knew that ignorance of God, a lack of love and a sense of insecurity were the main causes of the demoralization of the people after the French Revolution. She undertook the care and education of stray girls. Other young ladies joined her. By 1818 they formed a Religious Congregation. They chose Claudine as their Superior, the Foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary.


What kind of women did she wish to form in her work with the young? :

What did she desire of her Religious and their lay collaborators? :

What was her pedagogy? It was a system :

Hers was a pedagogy of love that she drew from the Heart of Jesus pierced on the cross for the salvation of all (men). Different social structures and environment require new forms of presence and make new demands on our creativity, but today, as in the time of Claudine Thevenet, the work of education in love remains the best reform we can offer. The Finest Methods Effect Nothing without Love.