• St. Anthony's Junior College, Agra

After setting up St. Patrick's Orphanage and Boarding School for European children and St. Joseph’s Orphanage for indigenous children, the Nuns opened a free Day School in Numilah at first in the residence of the military chaplain in 1845 and then in a more spacious bungalow. This was the beginning of a School in the Cantonment. As the military moved to Lahore, the School was closed, only to reopen later as St. Anthony’s Primary School which today is: St. Anthony’s Junior College.

In 1902, St. Anthony’s opened in No 44 A, the Mall. As the house was not spacious enough the property of 2.30 acres on No 5, the Mall (its present location and formerly used by the Alliance Bank) was purchased by Provincial Superior, M. Lucie Chartier. More suitable in every way, it served as a Day School for boys and girls.

St. Anthony’s received recognition as a Primary School on 26 December 1926 from the Director of Public Instruction. The Institution made steady progress and was upgraded to Class VI. The Government requested the closure of class V and VI to maintain its Primary status.